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Clive Smith nominated for “Outstanding Leadership in Skills” at the UK Nuclear Skills Awards

Clive Smith, Chair of the Nuclear Institute Membership Committe, was a finalist for the Outstanding Leadership in Skills Award at the seventh Nuclear Skills Annual Awards Dinner on March 12, 2015.

The award celebrates the efforts of individuals who are well recognised and respected across the industry and go above and beyond their normal day job to drive forward the UK nuclear and related engineering and manufacturing skills agenda.

Through his voluntary work as a Trustee of the Nuclear Institute and the Chair of the Membership Committee, Clive provides leadership on skills where he ensures that standards of nuclear professionalism are developed, promulgated, and maintained.  This requires the assessment of individuals to ensure that that they meet the uncompromising standards required of nuclear professionals.  He also leads panels assessing nuclear company apprenticeship Schemes for Engineering Technician Registration and Nuclear Institute professional membership.

All of this work has ensured that Clive is well recognised as a leader in skills for the nuclear industry and has gained the respect of many within the sector.

Nuclear Institute CEO, John Warden, praised the wonderful personality which has led Clive to become such a strong voice within the nuclear industry:

'Clive is well known across the civil and defence nuclear industry as the man to go to for skills advice. His wide experience as a nuclear operator, engineer and regulator, his common sense, and his acerbic sense of humour all combine to give a proven leader in the nuclear skills arena.'


Over the course of his career Clive has worked at national level on nuclear skill challenges in a number of guises.  In 2003 and 2004 he was seconded from the Royal Navy to the Department of Trade and Industry as the Nuclear Skills Lead and the project manager who took forward implementation of a major Nuclear and Radiological Skills Study.  Clive also sought the funding to deliver the Energy Foresight programme that trained teachers in the important nuclear and radiological aspects of the school science curriculum in 50% of the schools in UK.

During his time with Cogent Sector Skills Council, Clive took firm leadership of employer groups and worked to ensure that the industry and the National Skills Academy Nuclear were provided with labour market information and the training and education programmes that assisted in mitigating skill shortages.

Amongst all of this effort, Clive has a full time day job with STS Nuclear developing and delivering nuclear education and training, and consultancy.