News & Insights


Do YOU want to get involved?


Dear Young Generation Network,

The YGN relies on the continued engagement of its members and the wider NI community to carry out its mission to encourage, inspire and motivate young people from a range of backgrounds to join and remain in the UK nuclear industry, and to help these young people to be the best they can be. We have an exciting year of opportunities ahead, and to ensure that we deliver on our mission we would like to ask you to complete this 5 minute volunteer survey:


 Take the Survey!


This survey has been produced by the YGN Education, Attraction and Outreach Subcommittee, and will be used to keep a database of our volunteer community. This database will allow us to identify opportunities for volunteers to get involved with STEM related activities in your local area, from school visits to STEM fairs to university visits and everything in between.


Thank you for your continued support.