NEDF Terms of Reference

The purpose of the NEDF (Nuclear Engineering Directors Forum) is as follows:

1. Facilitate sharing and understanding of:

  • Key engineering and maintenance issues.
  • The implications of recent experiences (including, but not solely incidents).
  • HMG, Regulatory or national organisation developments and responses to them.
  • Cultural and leadership approach in addition to technical and engineering matters.

2. Promote cooperation across the nuclear industry on policy, strategy and technical matters where this is beneficial. Mechanisms for co-operation include:

  • Using existing industry groups and representative bodies;
  • Establishing new discipline/issue-specific focus sub-groups or forming ad hoc co-operation and “issue leaders” as necessary.

3. Work with the Regulators in order to agree on common goals, priorities and processes in the pursuit of continuous improvement and excellence. In particular, ensure that solutions are proportionate to the risk and cost-effective when deployed.

4. Drive a continuous improvement culture for Engineering across the industry.

5. Act as “sponsor” of and keep under review “Sub Groups” (SGs), to ensure they remain necessary and are operating effectively.

Organisations representation
Babcock International  EDF  RWM 
BEIS  Magnox  Rolls Royce 
Cavendish Nuclear  MoD  Sellafield 
Dounreay  NDA   

The NEDF meets at least quarterly. 


Considered by the nuclear sector as the leading UK engineering strategic body delivering proportionate fit-for-purpose nuclear engineering advice.