Safety Performance Indicator Sub-Group (SPISG)

About Us

The SPISG has been sponsored by the UK Nuclear Site Licensees Safety Directors’ Forum and has been set up to ensure the exchange of good practice regarding Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs).

The SPISG focuses on ‘nuclear’ issues fully recognising that Licensees/Authorisees will have parallel indicators for the other business streams and risks.

The aims of the group are:

  • To share, develop and capture good practice in the identification and use of SPIs (including visibility within organisations, integration with other forms of assessment, interfacing with the ONR Site Inspectors, common definitions and threshold setting etc. and produce a ‘best practice’ guide)
  • To ensure SPIs inform decision making and influence business change
  • To ensure SPIs improve clarity of actual safety performance, before it deteriorates or a serious event occurs, for those managing the business
  • To develop a clear position with the ONR
  • To encourage bench marking of SPI processes
  • To identify leading indicators that may be used by Licensees/Authorisees
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the current structure of the agreed pan nuclear industry SPI framework and where necessary identify and implement improvements

Programme of Work

Statement of benefits

  • Aligned industry sub-group and ONR strategy for SPIs to sharing of good practice & opex and external regulation of these arrangements
  • Produced the SPI Good Practice work book in 2014. Collated, and implementing industry good practices and operating experience through the workbook. Including on use of process safety and leading measures integrated with management decision making, and monitoring Nuclear Safety Culture.
  • Produced the SPI Good Practice Guide (GPG) for external publishing through the SDF website in 2015
  • Owning and maintaining the SPI framework on behalf of the SDF
  • Providing advice and support to other sub groups on topic of developing performance measures (SPIs)

Annual Summary

In 2014 the SPI sub group produced a good practice workbook for its own use and focused on replicating the good practices across the industry. By the end of 2015 25 good practices had been replicated across the group. During 2015 the main focus has been on converting the good practice workbook into a good practice guide that can be published externally and used more widely by practitioners within licensee organisations. The guide identifies eleven principles that licensees have found to be important for the successful development and use of SPIs and provides a generic methodology for SPI development in a way that is integrated with the wider performance management arrangements.The guide has now been published and is available on the SDF web site.

In addition to the published GPG the sub group has identified several proposed good practices concerning the effective communication and use of SPIs at a working level, these are now being considered for inclusion in the good practice workbook and wider replication.

Contact has also been established with other sub groups by nominating a designated liaison person to help with development of SPIs where needed.

More Information

Useful Documents

pdficon small SPI Good Practice Guide, issue 2, Mar 2016

pdficon small ONR Inspection and Use of Licensee Safety Performance Indicators, issue 3 Feb 2013 (link to PDF on ONR website) 

Links to Other Sites

Contact Us

For information regarding the group please contact:

Ian Oliver, Chair –

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